Fast, Affordable Websites For Your Business

When you need a website for your business, but you don’t have the time, patience or money to spend on a custom website, we have what exactly you need.

Everyone Says That A New Website Will Cost You A Lot Of Time Or Money. We’re The Third Option.

When most people are starting their business, they learn quickly that you can either spend a lot of time creating a website or you can spend a lot of money to pay somebody to build it.

When you consider that most people don’t have the skills, knowledge or patience to create a website that turns visitors into customers, it makes hiring the job out more attractive. The only problem then is finding a web designer you can trust. Between freelancers that ghost you or expensive agencies, finding the right solution for creating a new website can be daunting.

At Fast Website Pros, we provide a third option. We build conversion-friendly WordPress websites that give you everything you need to fully market your business online quickly- all at an affordable price!

A Website For Your Business Shouldn’t Cost As Much As A Small Child

There are web design agencies that start sites at $10,000. We’ve had children for less money.

The average cost to have a website professionally designed for you at one of the digital marketing agencies around Atlanta is around $5,000-$8,000. You can definitely pay less if you go with a freelancer, but many of the people we talk to have been burned by “freelancers” before. These people have taken a deposit and disappeared which just means you’ll have to spend more money with the next person. It can be super frustrating.

We make getting a website for your side hustle or startup business super simple. In fact, we can’t think of making it any easier.

How It Works

Getting a new website for your business has never been easier. Forget all those nights slaving over a hot laptop trying to figure out how to create it yourself. Here’s all you need to do (click to see):

Step 1

Go to our Frameworks page and select a design that you’d like

Step 2

Send us your logo & fill out the form telling us a little about your business

Step 3


It’s that simple.

Within 2 weeks, we will not only create a website for your business, but we’ll even give you starter content written by our on-staff content writers. We’ll you’re your final approval before your site goes live, and you’ll be ready for all the different ways you can market your business!


Why Choose WordPress?

These days, it seems everybody and their pet chinchilla can design a website, but can they design one that actually helps convert visitors into customers?

And, what if you want to build on an e-commerce component or a blog or anything else? While many business owners turn to DIY platforms for their first website, it usually takes them a year or two before they realize that their site really isn’t getting them much traffic and what little traffic they do get usually doesn’t turn into a customer.

WordPress is a content management platform and is currently used in more than 43% of all websites on the Internet. We’re talking huge here people! All of the DIY website options combined don’t come close to having this much of the market share.

It comes down to this: with the DIY sites, you get a box. If you ever want to do something outside of that box, your options become real limited real quick. WordPress is a platform and that means no walls. Your only limitation is your imagination.

Finally, Google loves it. Does Google love the DIY sites? Not so much.

Why Hire Fast Website Pros?

Whether you have a nice side hustle going or you’re all in on a new business, once you decide to go into business for yourself, if you don’t have a website, everyone that does will naturally get more business. Why? Because 87% of Americans turn to Google to solve all their worldly problems.

Plus, having a bad website just rushes your potential customers straight to your competition, and no business can afford that.

At Fast Website Pros, we know WordPress. That’s all we build websites with, and we have nearly 10 years of experience working with that platform. Here are the other reasons to hire us:

Content: Some people are good at math. We’re good at words and sentences and stuff. Most people don’t know how to write content for their website. That’s really our thing.

Fast Turnaround: You shouldn’t be able to plant and harvest corn in the time it takes to build a website for your business. In most cases, we can get your site live in 2 weeks or less.

Balanced Websites: With website design, there’s a balance between artsy and conversion-friendly. We build attractive sites that help turn visitors into customers. Isn’t that really what you want?

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Our Office

Address: 2828 Buford Dr #300, Buford, GA 30519

Phone: (678) 325-4007

 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday OPEN 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED